2023 Albuquerque American Place Poems


This condition
All my skin falling off of me
All my hair sticking out in
Odd places
Or Not growing at all
As if it Gave Up
on its status (gave into stasis)
My deeply vetted grooves
around eyes and mouth
That have dug in so deep
as I have worried and frowned!
Or that gray hair growing out of
My Third Eye
As if reaching to heaven
to absorb the light.
We call it a pixel
on the top of my head.
I am all too quite sure
that it comes from my dread.
But it’s OK, cause even though
I’m getting older and it’s starting to show
–We regenerate every 8 years or so…
I’ve entered my last 3 cycles
Where it all starts to go
(To Hell…)

By Makar

Stephen Sutherlin is a designer, poet and musician. He writes poetry about life in the southwest and enjoys metrical lyricism.

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