2021 Ars Poetica Bird Song Poems

“Not to copy nature” says WCW

Is it true
What WCW
Says about nature?

That to copy
It is

Is it shameful
To replicate
The bird’s song?

A perfect
Rhythm that
Dances along

And for generations
Has embellished
Their species

Is it imitation
You are after
To emulate not replicate?

I thought you
Were the

Seeking after
The Laureate
Admiration of your fellows?

If not a
Song writer
You seek to be?

Then how much
Trouble really
Is the song that’s Free?

Straight from the Sparrow’s mouth
It carries through the morning
And out unto the world

Awaiting your lyrical definition
No need to mention
That your tune

Came from the trees
Or just how soon
Its origins fade from memory?

No, not me
I am thankful for
The songs of nature

I’ll copy more of
Those perfect beats
Laid cross the morning dews

They speak to you
You know
They do

So carry their tune
With you
Across the page

For one day
When you’re old and played
You will thank them for the music that they gave unto you!

2021 Ars Philosophica Ars Poetica Breaking Muse Poems

Fire Was The Last One To Read This Book – I

I – Book of Matches

Theme, Tone, Meter
Subject so

Matters, meanings
And Moments

We have relinquished our
place at the council table

We have forsaken our
Duty to protect the arts

We have been overcome
By our own eviscerating criticism

We have severed the artisan’s
Hand from the corporal community

We have left them behind
To suffer the brutality of the mob

They have come to the Library
With torches — Our Words

Read In Fire

2021 Ars Philosophica Ars Poetica Breaking Muse Poems

Fire Was The Last One To Read This Book – II

II – Fire Song

The Pages tumbled
Off the shelf
Waterfall —
Tumbles Pages back up
Full of Flames
The words read
One last time
by Fire
Pages tumble and whirl
In tornadoes
On Fire, Words
Consumed for
The last time
by fire
Swirls with sparkles
Of the Sun
Consuming One
Last time
Our words
by Firefalls
of Fire
Burning books
Time — Our words

2020 Ars Poetica Breaking Muse Poems

Two Towers

Standing behind the crowd in the
Auditorium, looking down at
The Wasteland and more importantly
The Poet on a pedestal who
We were in awe to see. We bow
And say blessings to the lord of the
Modern moment where everyone realized
We were doomed. That the industrial gloom
Would blacken our minds as it had
Already blackened our lungs
And blinded our windshields
Our eyes in the dim lit neon spectacles, wept.
This was my experience from the lectern.
And I worshipped for many years the
Quartets and the high-minded — I don’t
Understand — Get the Encyclopedia — language

But, this was

I reckon
a more clearly modern mind

I find
The Red

And a delicious

And I am

By nothing too Mythic
At all (save Unicorns & Beasts)
Just A

Of images
and words
That float along on pages

The rhythm
Tapping its foot – – –
Variably – – – –

Before you know it
You don’t know it
You don’t know why

It has changed
But it feels
So right.

Justified on the page to fit
Left and right
Right and wrong
Tomorrow and Goodnight

The Wanderer
The Sparrow
The Woman
The River

The Man
The City
The Poet

Of the plain
Every day
And therefore
Devotionally and divine poem.

2020 Ars Poetica Breaking Muse Poems Why

National Poetry Day

Today is National Poetry Day
Do you have something to say?
Write me a poem, no need to be long—
Give me a couplet, write me a song.
Or write up a sonnet, maybe make a haiku
A quartet, a triad, or sing me the blues!
If you add poetry into your life
you’ll find it uplifting away from the strife.
Write me a psalm or meditative plot
Something inspirational, something you sought.
Or read a new poet, these poems are short.
New words can help you when you feel out of sorts.
Just write me a poem, I’ll publish it soon.
Make it silly or foolish or about a baboon.
All words have meanings, some better than most.
With alacrity write something, even a boast.
Yes write me a poem, today is the day.
Pick one word or a dozen, have something to say.

2020 Ars Poetica Poems Why

Coffee Club Clutches

Why are
Poetry books
So short?
Are these
Unbearable thoughts
For your
Do we dare
to challenge
These foundations
That you
That only
In tiny
Will you
allow for
these Diversions?
Is it that
I cannot
Keep you
In these
pages without
Paying Dues
To the
Coffee Club Clutches
of Consumer Culture?

Ars Philosophica Ars Poetica Footnotes Why

Notes on Canned Goods

I initially started the writing that led to this poem by looking into the actual words that were used.

Fragility — the human condition is exorbitantly weak. We really don’t like that fact.

Boxes — Maria Kondo – put your life into neat little bento boxes— tidy up your life

Mental Boxes — when our emotional chaos is present, we work hard to categorize our responses. Tidy up our minds — but that is usually mental space filled with work and future planning. Very tidy, our future, in our minds, until plans are disrupted by social crisis.

De-coupling — Social Distancing breeds anxiety -especially for extroverts- by hallowing our our group response. When all of a sudden you take away the immediate, physically present, response that we have by being in the same room or the same table — when canned laughter is absent you realize that fake laughter that connects you is better than watching comedy dead pan. A comedian of one is not really that funny. We require social interactivity.

And a news conversation that has to wait for delayed interactions, stops people from answering naturally and responding fluidly.

Canned Goods


2020 Ars Poetica Footnotes Poems

this art is not yours

Stop it!
Why are
You do-
ing this?
Your Nat-
Your voice.

This Art
Is not
For you.
You must
make it
Work for

These are
Just words.
These are
Not poems.

2020 American Place Ars Philosophica Ars Poetica Poems

Faith in art

Of an un-
Kind Spirit
When you
Get perspective
From above
And can see
On the astral
Plane. Comp-
rehension be-
gins again
When you
Return to
What is
Real and
Whole to
You. It’s
Harder than
It sounds!

2020 Ars Poetica Breaking Muse Garden Psalms Poems

Burst Your Bubble

My head, it splits
Like waves on
The barren shore
Bubbling oxygenation
As the brack
Settles into sand
And air escapes
Once again, gurgling
Out of the semi-solid surface.
My inspiration
Captured in bubbles
For brief moments — real!
In the end, a burst
Of emptiness, vapid dreams
Hollow constructions
Radiating energy but
Alas — empty…
These words, all that remain
Of the membrane of H2O
Clinging together desperately,
Delicately capturing a
Breath of life and then
Exhaling it to the world.
Captive for one moment
Before being shared with
Every living thing.
The poem, the word of being.