2021 LOVE Poems

It’s never too late for Love

It’s never too late for Love.

Even in our life’s winter
There is time to find
A partner to share the warmth.
No clock can count
The tides of Longing.
No ocean can quench
The thirst for companionship.

No, it’s never too late for Love.

The dawn is alive with
Songs of Love Birds
Calling that spring has come.
To find yet another day
For those in search of
A partner to share
Another night without
Solitude, another
Sunset that delights.

No, it’s never too late for Love.

So, as you find yourselves
In Love, it does not
Matter why or how —
Cherish this day
To Celebrate your Wedding,
This union, this moment,
This Love you’ve found.

By Makar

Stephen Sutherlin is a designer, poet and musician. He writes poetry about life in the southwest and enjoys metrical lyricism.

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