Ars Poetica Footnotes Why

I did not set out to write this poem.

I did not set out to write this poem. (Agape 1) It fell into place around my contemplation of the love poem. There are a couple ideas at play. Caregiver. These are garden psalms being literally written in my garden, so the overseer is primary thematically. “The sum is greater than its separate parts.”

I like Gertrude Stein’s use and intent of “human being”(i) to say it as an active sentence in present tense. It has an essence of mindfulness, being, present in the moment; caught in the act of being human. The poet is placed as a juxtaposition, a dichotomy to the soldier, who stands out against the other archetypes being a destroyer while at the same time being the protector.

The poet as a meaningful archetype is also anchored here as the beginning of an argument for Plato “A Defense for Ars Poetica”.

By Makar

Stephen Sutherlin is a designer, poet and musician. He writes poetry about life in the southwest and enjoys metrical lyricism.