2021 LOVE Poems


My love is an opal
Her eyes shimmer blue
And brown – deep azure pools
That get me lost
As I drown in her soul
Soaking in the warmth of
Her kindness and peace
A sparkling beauty that hypnotizes
My tumultuous spirit and
Calms my worried mind.

My love is an opal
Complex and diverse in formation
A pleasure to gaze upon
Metamorphic in her ability
To adapt to her beholder
A treasure I wish to hold
To my breast forever.

My love is an opal

2021 LOVE Poems


Powdery white
Stunningly strong
Shapely and thin

My love, she is like a porcelain bowl
Always full of something delicious
To be shared with brilliant conversation and joyous laughter!
Beautiful on the outside
Intricate on the inside
Brimming with nurturing warmth
And sustaining compassion
Here for me when I am sick
Sharing with me to end my hungering
Sits next to me quietly and contemplative

My love is like porcelain
One of a kind
Something I want near to me
For the rest of my life!

2021 Garden Psalms LOVE Poems

I Love You

These words don’t suffice
For the depths of their meaning
So deep, an azure pool
Sky blue at the top
Navy in the middle
And a pitch blackness
Where no light can penetrate
Save the thought of you!
For true depth is darkness
And true love is the
Light that shines on
In your mind when
All else is dark.
That beacon that carries
You through darker moments,
Lonely nights and terrible possibilities
For even as we talk about
The “depth” of something
We rarely break down
What “deep” represents.
Like deep in the ground where
Well-springs hold dark waters
That once coaxed to the surface
Brings thirst-quenching Life!
Is the depth of my soul
A dark place as well?
It can’t be — For You are
The Light at the center of my Spirit
¡My Love!

2021 LOVE Poems

It’s never too late for Love

It’s never too late for Love.

Even in our life’s winter
There is time to find
A partner to share the warmth.
No clock can count
The tides of Longing.
No ocean can quench
The thirst for companionship.

No, it’s never too late for Love.

The dawn is alive with
Songs of Love Birds
Calling that spring has come.
To find yet another day
For those in search of
A partner to share
Another night without
Solitude, another
Sunset that delights.

No, it’s never too late for Love.

So, as you find yourselves
In Love, it does not
Matter why or how —
Cherish this day
To Celebrate your Wedding,
This union, this moment,
This Love you’ve found.

2021 Albuquerque American Place Bird Song LOVE Poems

Won’t Run From Love

Sly, daring, road running
Time of Love, not quite spring
But the waning days of winter sing
Of the promise — A Whisper
Of the returning season
Of raising a new generation
Of cunning birds…
This one with Lizard in mouth
An offering for his devote
Lifemate and lover.
In the road they dance
And show that they have
No patience for the changing clime
Rare to take flight, in pursuit he might
Soar from rooftop to rooftop.
With coos, clicks and beeps
He woos his sweet and as we pass
They pay no mind to our kind.

LOVE Poems



  Rope after rope

of Marigolds

Fuchsia tapestry

    Dancing to the fast fingers

of the solo guitarist

Black Bird

    “Take these broken wings”

“We are gathered here to leap”

Like your brother and cousin

    So small (now grown)

Splashing water in 99º

The gathering

    With hand fans

waving to the beat (the heat)

As we assemble everyone

      who cherish us

to bear witness

To our love —

      The Souls Mate

The couple hitched

And at 17

      This life has grown

Into One

I no

      longer know




    you smile!

LOVE Poems


Old oak,

  Varnish and chrome,



Why buy

    New Furniture

    for Anniversary?

Shouldn’t it just

        be solid


What better

        to recall

a time when

“Things”, like


were better made.

Not angry

        and fashionable

          like the mob,

But the

    Old Oak Tree;

    Reminding Me

That patience

              and time spent cherishing

              the things

We already have

           is what make

    Great these

