2020 Garden Psalms Poems


So much potential
Sewn up in the soil
A spring menagerie
Ready to burst
First green
Then yellow
Flaming orange
And of course
Fuchsia flowers
Pour out like
Bundles of Grapes from
Harvest baskets
And the promise
Of the feast
That awaits us
At summer’s

2020 Ars Philosophica Garden Psalms Poems Six Pack

Do you need a refill?

I sit with pen
Open Third Eye
Let go this “my”
And let loose
My mind
From pre-meditated
Lose the I
Let go desires
Open up your ears
To the rhythm
And pace
That surrounds you
As it goes about
Its own business
Pays you
No thought —
Begins with
You must empty
The chalice
To receive new

2020 American Place Garden Psalms Poems

Sorry Mom

To our mother,
We must most humbly apologize

We have been bad children. You have provided for us all these good years.

And, we have torn up the
backyard, dug up or
Cut down all the trees;
Stripped out all the copper
Wiring in the house and
Took a crap on your dinner
Table. We’re sorry…hopefully
Our children will treat you better.

PS – Hey, I’m glad at least
One of us is recovering
From the Coronavirus.

2020 Albuquerque American Place Bird Song Garden Psalms New Mexico Poems

Bird Bath

Mr. Robins
Takes a bath
He’s not concerned with math
Except perhaps
To count their eggs
Or later how many mouths they’ve fed
But today he’s just getting clean
A deep splash
And shake
Sending water splattering
He takes this
“Bird bath”
He pays no mind to you and me.

Not until the dog comes out
Does Mr. Robins
Give a shout
No, now that he
Is clean all through
Fly to the nest’s
Alls left to do.

2020 Bird Song Garden Psalms Poems

Let the critics complain

Nothing new

These bird’s

This attempt
At some-
thing true

Doesn’t mean
I’ll stop it

Doesn’t mean
You cared

These birds
And this poet

You’ve rarely
Even heard.

But, the song
the song
It carries on

(Even when you
Don’t listen

In your mind)

& We’ve carried
Out our mission.

2020 Albuquerque American Place Garden Psalms New Mexico Poems

Fireworks in April

The geraniums
I brought in to
Stave off frosted night

Red and white
Bursting in the morning light

2020 Bird Song Garden Psalms Poems Shapes

Seeds in captivity

2020 Garden Psalms Poems

Say my name

A common incantation
For better and for worse

A common name —in any
Country, often it can be heard

For so many named their children
After that man from Galilee

As if to predetermine
What good people they could be

Of these fishes and birds he speaks
Comes this lesson for you and me

Be fruitful and do multiply
Sing songs from the tops of the trees

This life is so certainly short
When stacked up to eternity

So waste not time on petty things
Give to the sick, the poor, the needy

If you, yourself are not hungry
Then for someone else do something more

For in the end, when you’ve nothing left
Your deeds will open your last door…

2020 Bird Song Garden Psalms Poems

Angry birds (The Easter Chicken)

I’m not sure
How these rabbits
Crept in

Off with all
The eggs that
We’ve been makin’

Double time
Easter Day

If in time
We are
To lay

And as
for that
Primordial question

There is
no doubt
It was the chicken

—she works hard everyday
to make that egg
that you just ate

Now to
these rabbits
On Easter Day

Now to the pot
Let stew
Be made

As for us
We are happy to stay

Out in
The yard
To continue to lay

2020 Albuquerque American Place Garden Psalms Poems Six Pack

if the moon can see my fire

Can the moon see my fire
As it passes over head
Both alight my night
And stave off the dread
Of all those things out
In the the darkness of all
Those things we cannot see
But if the moon can see my fire
I’ll spend the night outwardly