2020 Ars Poetica Breaking Muse Poems Why

National Poetry Day

Today is National Poetry Day
Do you have something to say?
Write me a poem, no need to be long—
Give me a couplet, write me a song.
Or write up a sonnet, maybe make a haiku
A quartet, a triad, or sing me the blues!
If you add poetry into your life
you’ll find it uplifting away from the strife.
Write me a psalm or meditative plot
Something inspirational, something you sought.
Or read a new poet, these poems are short.
New words can help you when you feel out of sorts.
Just write me a poem, I’ll publish it soon.
Make it silly or foolish or about a baboon.
All words have meanings, some better than most.
With alacrity write something, even a boast.
Yes write me a poem, today is the day.
Pick one word or a dozen, have something to say.

By Makar

Stephen Sutherlin is a designer, poet and musician. He writes poetry about life in the southwest and enjoys metrical lyricism.

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