2022 Albuquerque American Place Garden Psalms Poems Winter

Winter’s Not Through

Cold winds they whipped as
Winter wished to return today
And brought her chill that will
Not be allowed to stay

No, Summer’s right behind her
Pushing Spring to keep it short
Hot days will come tomorrow
To give Winter her retort.

But Today Winter wanted
To make known that she’s not through
And today she plans to punish
Flowers who dared bloom too soon.

2022 American Place New Mexico Poems


Brushing my teeth
In the back of the Jeep
Watching the birds
Watching you
Watching me

2022 American Place New Mexico Poems

Over My Head

I watched the Big Dipper rise
And Orion set
As the stars
Spun ’round
Above my head

The stones
Tall Figures
Holding council in the dark
While firelight dances
And waves and arcs.

The birdsong is quiet
And held close to the ground
In this otherwise silent
Place with small sounds.

Just the occasional coo
Of a mating white dove;
The cries of the crows
As they pass above.

Everything here is over your head
The Stars
The Birds
The Rocks
Who once said,
“Not even we will stand
For Eternity in this land.”
City of Rocks

2022 American Place New Mexico Poems

A wish

I wish I had words
That painted the brush
Strokes of Georgia O’Keffe
Into your mind, so you
Could see these desert colors
Bleed into oily black shadows
Of grooves and crevices
Touched in browns and reds
Yellow grass waving on a
Horizon of gold juxtaposed
By the dim mountains
Rising in the background

2022 Ars Philosophica Ars Poetica Art(i)fact Poems

What has become of this Plato fellow, old chap?

What has become of this Plato fellow?
He’s holding prisoners and
Suppressing the language
Holding down our emotions
Supplanting our humanity
With silicon logic
And cold calculations
Let humanity stand up
And ban the synthetics
From Leadership

-ananymous prisoner of Amatheia

2022 Albuquerque American Place Garden Psalms LOVE Poems

The words themselves are not enough

I am running out of words to say
For how much I Love You everyday
The words themselves are not enough
Because, “I Love You” is never the stuff
That makes a play or poem come alive
To tell the tale of how a love survives
The roughest seas of a love affair
Shared over time through triumph and despair
No. More must be said about how a life
Becomes another’s like the Husband and Wife
Where all is shared among the mundane and plain
When the boring days all turn into the same
How tragedy and pain effects them both
How together, the pair are more able to cope.
Saying, “I Love You” can never explain
How much you mean to me, so I say it again

I Love You
and again

I Love You
and again

I Love You
and again


2021 American Place Hawaii Poems

Goodbye Kauai

Goodbye Kauai
Thank you for the good vibes
Don’t know when I’ll get back
Maybe when I lack
The sea air and ocean waves
Cool nights and temperate days
Your green mountains
And supple shores
Your nutritious bounty
And fragrant flowers
We will miss the times we had
Aloha, Mahalo
Our thoughts are glad.

2021 American Place Hawaii Poems


Fire, Fire
Flame and pop
Hula Dancers
Of Kalama
Evocations of
History passed
Through generations
The present cast
The tales of
The Peoples
Born of the Flame
To destinations for
Prosperity gained
From toil and fire
From loss and pain
Fulfill the promise
Of a prophecy named
By wise old father
To the Princess Bride
Face the fears
Past the fire Isle
Unto the promise
The land of plenty
Birthed of water
Resolved in Alchemy
The Garden Island
A golden state
The blue wind’s gift
This green world awakes

2021 American Place Hawaii Poems


No one would ever guess
How many years you have spent
Making this world a better place
3.2 Generations, 8 Decades
3 Children, Now 5…4 Grandchildren
Now grown, who would have known
That this beauty of indeterminable age
Is as wise as a sage
With so many years under her scarf
You can not count them like the larks
Whose happy songs fill the morning air!
And oh, she sings with a voice as sweet
As honeysuckle dew pulled from
Flowery trumpets and rejoices like
A chorus of morning birds who
Awaken the spirit as the golden light
Opens upon a new day. This day,
29,200 days since your birth
Into a world just shaken days before by the
Bombs of Pearl Harbor and the tides of war
To this day where we climb
Up green hills of Waimea and
Celebrate Hawaiian Adventures among the canyons.
To this day where we celebrate you,
Judy Su. Our matron, our mother, our grandmother.
Originator of our generation – Impetus of our growth
Nurturer of tearful eyes and bloodied knees
Who cared and repaired and brought us back to our feet
So that the adventure could go on and
We could be made strong to face the world
That is brightened by your presence
As we enjoy the sunset and listen to the waves
Bringing in the hopes of a new day.

2021 American Place Garden Psalms New Mexico Poems


The seasons are changing
The frost is coming
To bring its crystal blanket
And cover the ground with winter
Turning everything brown and
Changing summer’s growth
Into next spring’s compost
It looks as though
It is laying waste
Desolating everything in its path
But with every cycle
Destruction breeds creation
We must not despair
For a withered stalk
Makes food for the next
Wiley buds
Of spring