2019 Albuquerque American Place Garden Psalms Poems

Chicken Feed

The Birds are

on the move

Snatching up the

Last mating

Bugs of Summer



Fattening up for

Winter’s rest

Or supper.

2019 Albuquerque American Place Poems

Head for the Exits

Anytime I Go
Anywhere, I know
Exits and barricades.
I have to know
Where we are to go
If you’re on a rampage.
Your second privilege becoming our existential threat.
What do I tell my children?
“There there little one, don’t you cry.
There’s ‘thoughts and prayers’ for us when we die.”
“Now, now, there there, don’t you despair.
Run for the exit, it’s over there.”

2019 American Place Garden Psalms Poems

Piedra Lumbre

It’s easy to see
Why Georgia O’Keefe
Landed in Abiquiu.
All these cowboy clouds
and sunshine smiles
So much painting to do.

Rosie red arches
And sulfur burning
With Yellowing tongues
Rising, Lashing out
Lapping up lapis
Skies, with brushes swung

Heavy oil to evoke
American dream.
A land growing lost
To the lush beauty
She acquired on
blank sheets of canvas.

”Stone of lumination.”

2019 American Place Garden Psalms Poems

We’re Done

“This is it!
We’re done.”
Morning shadows
Got the Sun
Edges browning
still green leaves
“Autumn’s coming”
Says, the trees.

2019 Poems

Can you hear me now?

A poet is a book of silent
words on a shelf

A poet is one voice
screaming from the street
stifled by the sounds of the city

Poetry is a prison ||| || /||||
Poetry is a privilege…

2019 American Place Breaking Muse Garden Psalms Poems

Poets Bureau

The poet stands sentinel, memory of the City.

I am needed in the streets. Town crier. Breaking Muse. Calling forth the words of this generation. MindScribe. Writing into the minds of the people; making them remember to be free.

We must compose a new poetry.
Democratic verses
aspiring towards
our words in

2019 American Place Poems

Speaker for the Dead

We call for a new poetry!

We call for a new eulogy!

We call forth the Speaker for the Dead.

He will understand the lost as only the Ender of

Worlds can begin to grasp. He will tell us who they

Were, where They stood. You do not know nor could.

They never wrote it down for you. Never heard them say.

Admirer, lover, blinded still,

your pining overwhelming, what was real.

Their stories told without the Makar’s mark.

Stripped away, our own projections of glories old

And say the truth, no matter how dark.

The funeral can no longer be your poetic elegy.

It must be a poem of record telling the life of the

One who will be remembered beyond the grave.

Their stories a collection of Cities and States.

Garden Psalms Poems

Burning your heart out

Old promises(*) of Love should be
taken from their dusty shelves

and Burnt!

Every autumn, like the raking
and the culling of the leaves:

stale promises!

Burning! Giving fertile soils to
new beginning and renewing vow

breaking ground
eternal flower
prescient poesy!


2019 Garden Psalms Hearts Quartet Poems Shapes

Heart’s Quartet


Garden Psalms Hearts Quartet Poems

Psychí (1)

     Blue-eyed Lovely Lady                           long Psychic connection
Dancing to the Blues                                  Filial bondings going
little introductions led                                Well beyond the forms
to Feeling the                                                of LOVE that
same groove                                                  came before
turned into                                                       turning 2
a life-                                                                 to 1


Due to the nature of responsive web pages, the mobile version of this poem loses it’s intended shape. For readability, here are the stanzas in order:

Blue-eyed Lovely Lady
Dancing to the Blues
little introductions led
to Feeling the
same groove
turned into
a life-

long Psychic connection
Filial bondings going
Well beyond the forms
of LOVE that
came before
turning 2
to 1