2020 Poems


Restrained cognitions
Deprived hindsight
Severed Apparition
Lost in transit

Words fall; boulders
Rolling out of mouths
A landslide smolders
With the smoke
Of their stale statements

Old bread, forgotten wisdom
You can’t couple every pear 🍐
Eat of the fruit; a
Dance for the tastebuds
Of a flavorful mind

Fruits take labors
And time and care
So where? Does that leave us
Always from the needs;
Us; Trying to find commonality

We do not try hard enough
We try again tomorrow!

2020 Ars Poetica Poems

Master’s Class

Medieval metaphors made molten
From smelters pour golden inspirations
Forming the meld of American spirit

William Shakespeare shook out the cobble stones
And delivered us the metaphor of morality and love
Psychology and introspection a
History of the rise and fall of Kings.
As this foundation stuck to the ages
And was carried on small wagons across
American plains to fill cold nights with
Tales and poetry opening up the
Minds of young industrious Yankees.

So Whitman took the book and transposed
The old English voice into the rambling
Preamble of the Frontier Epic.
To open the roads to dreams of new beginnings
In a place where Men’s spirit alone can create
Everything he needs to be whole. Here in
The Wild Yonder…where he mends walls with Frost.

A stone’s turn
To William’s rigid
A new rhythm
With Jazz
And a desire
To vanquish
And strip
The poetic
Vocal chord
To its
Truth that
Documents but
Leaves the
The point—
Perhaps in
This dis-
song without
It’s own desires —

2020 American Place Poems

Dwelling on the Past

I saw the
Volcanoes 3
In front of me

I saw the
Heavenly Stars
The Light from These

I saw
The thoughts
In my head
The reflections
They said,

My Present
Human Being
Exists in
The Past

I build the Future here.

2020 Albuquerque American Place Poems

On thin ice

Whipping tail
Chassis loose
On the move
No control
Hope there’s
Behind you now
Pressing forward
Counter balance
Brings you back
To straight lines
With a shimmy ~

2020 American Place Ars Poetica Poems

Ink Think

The only one
who thinks in poetry
is seemingly me.


Perhaps it’s you
who thinks
in broken lines,
metaphors and ink.

But to the rest
I must plainly digress
into lyric rust

For on the shelf
These prisoners ||\|||\
must sit
until they’re unhinged \_/

Or read aloud
to a half-listening crowd

2020 American Place Poems

A “song” is more than a title

So you wrote a poem
And you called it a song
Only counts if you can sing it
Let’s hum along

But if it’s just a poem
Then leave it as you wrote
For I don’t need your melody
To stick in my parched throat

Yet if ye be a singer
Then sing your hearts content
I like to Rage and Hammer on
And scream and bang my head.

2020 American Place Poems

At your service

What does it mean to serve?
To be in the service of another
To wash the feet and tender oil
To sit with the weak as they pass
To lend shoulder to grief while it lasts

Or do you help my day?
To be there when the toilet’s clogged again
To put my squeaky car back on the road
To come to my rescue in my grave hour
To bless my wedding or baptize my child

Or perhaps action’s calling?
To serve when duty beckons you to arms
To shield your brother’s harm from far away
To protect the unknown with your own life
To put back the pieces when peace finally comes

Or to relieve the woes of folks?
To social workers holding back the brink
To the nurse whose hour saves a child’s life
To the lottery winners who tip a grand
To those who help others with nothing asked
“How can I help you?”

2020 American Place Poems

What do we make of it?

I do not break,
‘Cept for the line,
The cobble stones
Removed by time

I do not build,
‘Cept on the theme,
A lasting home
For my family

What do we make?
With this poetry
Not castle nor treasure
Just memories

Just minuscule
Into the moment
Of the mind’s

2020 American Place Ars Poetica Poems

WCW (Metercratic Oath)

Got it right, got it right
Doctor Williams
Got it right

The trick is in the meter
solid rhythm, perfect beat
Well balanced measure
Pluck the string elegan’ly

Don’t forget the tercet
A quatrain will suffice

Just keep it in just meter
Or the critics will complain
That you have made no mastery
Of that which Williams claimed

Yet me I like my brevity
And dabble in vain rhymes
But The meter,
O the meter
I will take
do no harm.

2020 Albuquerque American Place Poems

Sitting Waiting

Sitting in a skateshop
Boy’s buyin’ a board
Old man sitting
Under origami
Birds Flying
up the glass
As he looks
For a home
For the night.

City living
Breathing life;
Sounds of
Cycles, cars
A fight,
the honks
And groans
Of an otherwise
Still afternoon.