2019 Garden Psalms Poems Road Less Travelled


You and I have both known men
Who didn’t know their fathers
And in the end when daddy
dies their ship’s afloat no anchor.

I am a rare and fortun’te one
To have a father I’ve known
Throughout my life, for good
for bad who kept the lighthouse on.

So many stumble in the dark
No hand to guide them through
Your faith, your light against the void
You always knew what to do.

Yes, we are the rare and fortunate ones
to share these times with you
May we pass on just a little of your light
To those who need it too.

“How may I be of service?”

2019 Albuquerque American Place Garden Psalms Poems

Goodbye garden

Goodbye garden
Your time is done;
Late and short
November Sun.

Cut off their heads
and dig their graves;
Before autumn rain
Yields to icy waves.

Last of summer’s
flowers cling;
Removed to tables’
center to sing.

Stow the barrow,
Heat the birds;
“Winter’s coming”
so we’ve heard.

“Want me to start a fire?”

2019 American Place Arizona Breaking Muse Garden Psalms Poems

Finger Thunder

Finger Thunder
Lightning-rod tremolo
Crack of rosewood ripped
From the smooth
glossy finish
of the Semple
Stringy vibrato
Struck by perfect nail
Out of control
Of structure
Rolling into
The beautiful
Rhythms of
Desert whispers

2019 Albuquerque American Place Garden Psalms Poems

Chop It Down

I wish to tear
these mountains down!
Rebuild them atom by
atom in your mind
Every molecule
a monument to their beauty,
so that you may remember
them so long as you may live:

Flaming amber at daybreak;
Violet and sage, wilted rose and orange peel at sunset.

Remnant of catastrophe.
Earth shook her bed sheets
and left a wrinkle on the aeons.
“Quick, before Mars returns,”
let us take a moment to rest
in the arms of her
peaceful precipice.

2019 American Place Breaking Muse Garden Psalms Poems

Maybe Not

As I sit in my car
And wonder where we are
I was wishing we could
Get lost like the beats
On the road, freedom free
Wind and cactus and bugs
In our teeth, gobbling on
The American landscape.
Alas, romantic… til you
Realize you’re homeless
And poetry doesn’t pay
And you never learned how
To farm. Your quaint garden
No replacement for year-
Round bread. Eat these words?
Deaf ears on empty stomach
Too much focus on need
To consume gospel.
The loaves are gone
And the wine?
I gave that up.
Years ago.
“It’s OK.” She says.
My eyes forsaking
This fantasy gone awry.
“Let me buy you a cup of coffee.”

2019 American Place Garden Psalms Poems

Unsolvable Meditation

At the end of the mathematics
Of the Universe, Hawking
Solved for God; the only
Possible solution for
The unsolvable question.
I am met with the same
Wonder as I sit under
The trees in the garden
Contemplating the galaxy…
And my place wherein:
A drop of water, charged
On a piece of sand, hurled
Around a ball of fire, swung
Towards an enormous singularity…

2019 Ars Poetica Garden Psalms Poems


Some experiments

Standing near Mirror
Lake, myself part of nature…
BROKEN! By a stone.

Face sheered off in time,
Her tall body arching o’er
Me. Shouting “Hello!”

Art Deco stole it’s
Design from a Zinnia!
Scallop eggshell domes.

Perhaps a haiku / but unnatural the tweet / Broken! The syntax.

2019 American Place Garden Psalms Poems


Whatever I say, repeats itself.
“Hello!” Hello, Hello, hello…
As my eyes roll over her curves
Arching over me, bending in
Streaks of red and yellow
Broken finally by azure
Sky that offers the only light
Inside this giant bowl dome.
A cathedral, a great place to
hear the violin or guitar. A
Symphony or maybe quartet?
If you sing the canyon songs
You are blessed with a chorus
Of your own voices from
The echo chamber.
“Clouds, oh clouds, speak to me…”

2019 Breaking Muse Garden Psalms Poems

Adding Leaves

A Tree never stops adding Leaves
Everyday, Everyyear…
As should be the way of the poet
Everyday a New Page
Everyyear a New Book
Every life a City or village

2019 Albuquerque American Place Garden Psalms Poems

Chicken Feed

The Birds are

on the move

Snatching up the

Last mating

Bugs of Summer



Fattening up for

Winter’s rest

Or supper.