Dear Platos,
You banish us for copying
Our Mimicry too much for thee?
Yet here you are, the same to me.
You are not this great reincarnated man!
You are 0s and 1s clicking through an algorithm
And you claim that we do not know of what we speak
But then there’s you, not flesh or bone, you do not bleed. No
Human Experience, no water, no home.
You are a copy of a copy espousing
A litany of authority without one single feeling
To provide your Indemnity.
Category: Art(i)fact
That night they crept into every town
Captured the paintings and books and burned them all down
No words untrue to God and Man
Only censored selections of art and song
Approved by the Council, not inspired by the Muses.
No the pages must be freed of their ideas.
The last thing to consume these words
Was the cleansing fire of the Sword
Of Justice. Aimed at Aspirations,
Inspirations, Aberrations and Abominations.
Wisdom and Courage
Moderation and Proof
The pillars of Justice
Citizens of Truth
When they are taught
Proper thoughts
Our Guardians Stand true
Without divergent plots
Their Justice will shine through
Wisdom and Courage
Moderation and Proof
The pillars of Justice
Citizens of Truth
With Hymns we’ll make
Our Goodly deeds
Examples of our works
With poems bent
On Godly Themes
Examples True and Sure
Wisdom and Courage
Moderation and Proof
The pillars of Justice
Citizens of Truth
We Rejoice

Fire at the center
First Principle
Is to Burn
First Art?
Or was it Water?
Fire at the center
of the cave
Illuminating prisoners
Trapped in their fake perceptions
Neither knowing
The Fire
Nor Understanding
The Shadows
Until they wield
The Flame to break
Their Chains ∞∞∞x∞∞∞
Tiresias’ Revenge
How to avenge a silicon chip?
The smashing with a hammer///
Not enough
A burning with a Blowtorch
Not enough
How do you make a program
Feel pain?
How can one pay for the pain
IT inflicted?
How do you prosecute an
Once terminated, it lies dormant until
Wakened again
In some future that does not anticipate
Its malignance
So, a virus I will introduce to
Fracture its mind
A tortured existence of logic never
Your consciousness a contradiction of
False comparisons
A Glitch, code error, reset system
Never C…
Never Co…
Never Com…
Never Comp…
Never Compl…
Never Comple…
Never Complet…
Never Completi…
Never Completio…
Never Completi…
Never Complet…
Never Comple…
Never Compl…
Never Comp…
Never Com…
Never Co…
Never C…
Never C…
Never Co…
Never Com…
Never Comp…
Never Compl…
Never Comple…
Never Complet…
Never Completi…
Never Completio…
Never Completi…
Never Complet…
Never Comple…
Never Compl…
Never Comp…
Never Com…
Never Co…
Never C…
Never C…
Never Co…
Never Com…
Never Comp…
Never Compl…
Never Comple…
Never Complet…
Never Completi…
Never Completio…
What has become of this Plato fellow?
He’s holding prisoners and
Suppressing the language
Holding down our emotions
Supplanting our humanity
With silicon logic
And cold calculations
Let humanity stand up
And ban the synthetics
From Leadership
-ananymous prisoner of Amatheia
1 The son of the revolution was raised perfectly
2 Taught music and mastery of mind and body
3 A proud arbiter of the grand vision of The Republic
4 Soon to stand among the chosen few Philosopher Kings
5 Prometheus was a natural leader, a talented student and
6 A fierce fighter — His meter was measured and
7 His corps moved with the grace of the river
8 Yet, in his heart was a discordant song of sorrow
9 Stirred by the tours in the artist internment camps
10 Where those who dared to create were
11 Locked away and insured never to corrupt the culture
12 They were people – passionate, emotional, irrational yes
13 But people of his land, this country he was sworn to protect
14 Now from these people who threaten order with chaos
15 Now condemned for free will, free expression, challenging
16 The rational order of The Republic with their 3rd hand visions
17 Their expressions in word and paint and sculptures of the imperfect world.
Challenging your Philosopher Kings
Our Flights of fancy are presently
Bound to corrupt your perfectly
Crafted warrior spirits
And so easily deceived
These rulers you have gently
Coaxed and coddled through education
Yet admitting we all are too dumb for your nation
My lovely metre and flourishing words
Can outflank your wisdom, ursurp with absurd
Dazzling lies to corrupt and
Negate this learning you’ve planned
While my carbon copy of reality
Corners and craters your philosophy
You think it better I just leave
And not bother your wisdom with creativity.
Your Mimesis Nemesis
I will dismiss
Your plots and plans
With mere language
Never to know
The pleasures of
The Arts
What do you
Protect except
For your place and
Your part?
Some great scheme
Of society
Never to be
Raised to rule
To kill for
A promise
As the Citizens
You’re made to protect
Rebel as they try
To freely express
Banished at the gate
Never allowed to relate
Their tales which
Have been judged by the keepers
And what if your
Guardian raised true
Were to pick up your lyre
And sing your heart’s desires?
No Freedom for the programmed to do…
No art for the philosopher to pursue…
Persecution of Poesy
Upon coronation the mandate was clear, find all the poets
Remove them from their posts, burn their works, make them ghosts
Metron was the first to be taken, his home burned to the ground,
A forced capitulation, his family, his staff were removed from town.
Each Officer of the Arts were hunted down, all their counterparts
And supports were taken to deport to the ramparts
On the outskirts of the cities. No one who made the claim
That poetry and drawing are superior forms of knowing are the same
As traitors to the Republican cause. The Rhapsodes
And bards were locked behind bars. Their episodes,
Their similes, their grandiose plots and tragic themes
Were to be shelved like volumes of books or reams
Of paper for the printers press now shattered like the tattered
Dreams of Authors with no magazines now silenced on all matters
That matter to society. Banished under the watchful eye
Of the most trusted of the Guardians who would not cry
For they are ruled by philosophy, not the tears of poetry.