2019 American Place Ars Philosophica Ars Poetica Poems

Emotional Predicate

To capture being
As we are not things
As “things” go
Us Being
That Is          or shall I say
I Am

No thing

So this is where it gets confusing, you see

So often we write of things, describing things, filling empty pages with empty rooms, filling them with words about things to fill whole rooms. But, then enters the main character and that’s when it goes to hell because lead role players are always such emotional beings so it’s tough to say where it will all go and what will set them off so the room fills with emotional predicate.

2019 American Place Ars Philosophica Ars Poetica Breaking Muse Poems

Observer of a New Light Across American Landscapes

We enter
Asking for your attention
The town crier
Speaking of the here
And the now
Present for this expression
Of the hearing
Spoken in clear and present tense
The words of the people
So that they may be heard:
What they say—
How they say—
That we may say about them
And this place; The good
And bad and in-between places
That people go to become their
Very own demonstration of their Human
Being. We are here to write it down.

2019 American Place Poems


Oil over metal
Fuel into fire
Inertia soon released
Smoke off tires
Green lights blink
Foot off clutch
Pedal to metal
Checkered flag rush
Open up throttle
Chaos in control
Chasing white line
Racing’s in your soul!

“Start your engines!”

2019 Albuquerque American Place Poems


We sit and eat
And stare at
The paintings
On the wall
Across the
They don’t
Really represent
What they
Look like.
Off, eyes
Too small
For large
Black heads
Dog and cat,
Couch of
Snake and fish,
Blue iguana.
Staring contest
w/ the cartoon
Crew across
The wall
From them.
Animal clinic.
“The Doctor Is in.”

2019 American Place Breaking Muse Poems

Beautiful Day

Beautiful day
By schedules
Of course
The day
Perfectly happy
To be perfect
Not bothered by my

“Off course, re-routing”

2019 Albuquerque American Place Garden Psalms Poems

Chicken Feed

The Birds are

on the move

Snatching up the

Last mating

Bugs of Summer



Fattening up for

Winter’s rest

Or supper.

2019 Albuquerque American Place Poems

Head for the Exits

Anytime I Go
Anywhere, I know
Exits and barricades.
I have to know
Where we are to go
If you’re on a rampage.
Your second privilege becoming our existential threat.
What do I tell my children?
“There there little one, don’t you cry.
There’s ‘thoughts and prayers’ for us when we die.”
“Now, now, there there, don’t you despair.
Run for the exit, it’s over there.”

2019 American Place Garden Psalms Poems

Piedra Lumbre

It’s easy to see
Why Georgia O’Keefe
Landed in Abiquiu.
All these cowboy clouds
and sunshine smiles
So much painting to do.

Rosie red arches
And sulfur burning
With Yellowing tongues
Rising, Lashing out
Lapping up lapis
Skies, with brushes swung

Heavy oil to evoke
American dream.
A land growing lost
To the lush beauty
She acquired on
blank sheets of canvas.

”Stone of lumination.”

2019 American Place Garden Psalms Poems

We’re Done

“This is it!
We’re done.”
Morning shadows
Got the Sun
Edges browning
still green leaves
“Autumn’s coming”
Says, the trees.

2019 American Place Breaking Muse Garden Psalms Poems

Poets Bureau

The poet stands sentinel, memory of the City.

I am needed in the streets. Town crier. Breaking Muse. Calling forth the words of this generation. MindScribe. Writing into the minds of the people; making them remember to be free.

We must compose a new poetry.
Democratic verses
aspiring towards
our words in