2020 Albuquerque American Place Bird Song Garden Psalms New Mexico Poems

The Day Happy Died

Tic tic
Says the clock
As it counts off your day

have you been?” He says,
“Happy has passed away…”

Dirty work
This garden farm
On any good day, not much harm

‘Cept for
The mice
Who’ve come to barn

But today
You know —
Was different too

It was
The day…
That Happy died—

2020 Poems

break in

I need a break —
I need a break
I need a break from me

I’m swimming in
I’m breathing in
“I’m drowning,” sincerely

— John Doe —

I’ve stripped away
I’ve drunken down my past

I’ve left myself
No other choice
Lest this day be my last

In my head
You’re in my head
You know I see you there…

“Take a deep breath
Take a deep breath
Take in all of this air.

Make still your mind
Make whole your kind
Be what you think you should

Now let it in
Release your sin
And become what you never

Gather yourself
And leave your things
It’s time to go on —Human—

2020 Ars Poetica Footnotes Poems

this art is not yours

Stop it!
Why are
You do-
ing this?
Your Nat-
Your voice.

This Art
Is not
For you.
You must
make it
Work for

These are
Just words.
These are
Not poems.

2020 American Place Ars Philosophica Ars Poetica Poems

Faith in art

Of an un-
Kind Spirit
When you
Get perspective
From above
And can see
On the astral
Plane. Comp-
rehension be-
gins again
When you
Return to
What is
Real and
Whole to
You. It’s
Harder than
It sounds!

2020 American Place New Mexico Poems

Footsteps in the past

These heavy feet
Burdened by ghosts
Of my grandfathers

Reminding history
Like wispy shackles
Dragging stowaways

On my ankles
Through my forest trek.
As walking in

Their steps of old
Ice cold conditions
Better gear for me

But me and my
Cold feet must carry
The miles of quiet.

My youngest son
Reminds me that
The 10 miles I

Journeyed were but
One day of 10
Miles for months

For the souls
Who took upon
The Oregon Trail.

I’ll keep my Coffee
Hot and my
Thoughts pastoral

And I will sleep
On my memory-foam

2020 Garden Psalms New Mexico Poems


Fushia on pale blue-green
Umbra to sage, or better yet
— cactus-colored…
The green of the desert floor
Giving way to disease and decay.
A brilliant burning out with one
valiant effort
The bright colors of its
luscious burgundy flower’s
fruit flaring away
like a New Mexico sunset.

2020 American Place Arizona Poems

Turn the page

Is there a place
In your mind
Where you can run?

A happy place
Of belonging
— the sound of a song

It’s warm here
This perfect moment
I can hear it carry

My heart
Into a nostalgia
A moment of sharing

Yet when I’m here
Its presence leaves
My soul longing

Melancholy surrender
To the past
Give way to New Dawning’s

The music keeps

Turn the page!

2020 Albuquerque American Place New Mexico Poems


A place is just a place
Until it is your home
And when you are leaving
All your memories come along

But a place is just a place
When its people are not near
And in this place your place is missed
By those who hold you dear

But a place still holds your place
When you are far from here
It waits to welcome back
Sojourners who can hear

The calling of that place
And those who keep it warm
With memories of communion
Who await with open arms

2020 Albuquerque American Place Breaking Muse Garden Psalms New Mexico Poems

Cold Slice

Southernly winter Sun
Rises slow, casting
Angular shadows sideways
To the north

Cold morning fires burn
A smoky film releasing
Over the city, creeping
Down the valley

As the day progresses
Mountain’s depth revealing
Ridges and crevaces opening
To the warmth

Cold slice of Watermelon

2020 Garden Psalms Poems Shapes

My Heart Is A Circle

Circles are always complete
even if they are bent, shaken
or twisted.

They remain connected even
as gravity pulls at them
and warps them.

No matter how this world spins
and bends and twists us; together,
You and I remain circular.